Conservatorships & Powers of Attorney

As unexpected as it may be, sometimes you or a loved one reaches a point when they are unable to safely handle their own financial affairs. Before this happens, let us assist you. The Iowa Savings Bank Wealth and Trust Group can act as your Power of Attorney (POA), handling financial obligations when you decide it’s time for assistance. Should you have a family member who is already incapacitated, we can also manage their financial affairs through a court ordered conservatorship.

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You have likely already established how you want your affairs managed after you pass. We encourage you to be equally proactive in planning for disability and incapacitation. Making plans for your financial and medical wellbeing is important for both you and your loved ones. Gain peace of mind by planning ahead. When you are no longer able or willing to do so yourself, the Iowa Savings Bank Wealth and Trust Group can handle your financial affairs by:

  • Paying bills
  • Contracting for services
  • Preserving and conserving your assets
  • Finding appropriate skilled facilities and services, if necessary
  • Work with family members, guardians, attorneys, accountants, and advisors to see that you or your family member is kept comfortable and safe

Disclosure: Trust funds are not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value | Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency